Manual Handling – Refresher
Manual Handling – Refresher
ETD’s Manual Handling Training Course and refresher training will help you to stay safe and avoid injury while lifting/carrying loads.
If you took the Manual Handling at Work Course within the last 3 years, the time has come for you to refresh your skills with this recap manual handling elearning course. You’ll go over why safe manual handling is important – both in the workplace and at home – and how you can comply with manual handling legislation to keep yourself and others safe. The Manual Handling Refresher Course covers the following.

What Manual Handling Is
- Moving inanimate or animate objects
- Carrying
- Lifting
- Lowering
- Pushing
- Pulling

Factors to Consider When Assessing Risk
- What the manual handling task entails
- The person who has been asked to complete the task
- The weight of the load
- The environment
- Required equipment

Basic Principles of Manual Handling
- Good posture
- Lifting the load correctly
- Holding the load correctly
- Team lifting principles
Test & Certification
Employees often injure themselves when transporting or supporting loads, whether they work on building sites and farms, in warehouses and factories, in hospitals or even in offices. Every year, manual handling causes over a third of injuries that impact workers for more than three days. In a bid to counteract this number of injuries, ETD has designed its Refresher Manual Handling Training Course to help you safely lift, push, pull, and lower loads such as boxes, trolleys, animals and people.
At the end of the online manual handling training, you will be given a 20-question, multiple-choice test. The required pass rate is 85%. You will be able to download and print a digital certificate on completion of the course. A course certificate is 12 months for this annual refresher.
The course will take approximately 23 minutes to complete, excluding the final exam.