Basic Ladder Awareness Refresher
Basic Ladder Awareness Refresher
ETD’s Ladder Safety Training Refresher Course will help you work safely at height and prevent falls. If you took the Basic Ladder Training Course within three ago, it’s time to brush up on your work-at-heights knowledge with the Ladder Safety Training Refresher Course. This recap course will guide you through the following.

Safe Activity
- Employer and employee duties
- Short-duration activity
- Avoiding over-reaching
- Handhold provision
- Ladder hierarchy
- Staying at least three rungs from the step-off point
- Correct footwear

The Ladder Stability Hierarchy
- Tie the ladder at the top
- Secure the ladder
- Wedge the ladder
- Foot the ladder

Step Ladder Stability
- Avoiding working side-on and wobbling
- Securing the ladder at the narrowest base dimension
- Getting help from another person
Test & Certification
Falls from ladders cause approximately 14 deaths each year. Plus, thousands of others injure themselves using poorly maintained ladders or by using ladders incorrectly as they haven’t received sufficient training. If you don’t set up, use and inspect your ladders properly, you could seriously injure yourself.
All employees are legally obliged to protect themselves and others while working at height. They must cooperate with their employers to ensure compliance with health and safety regulations. Ladders aren’t always easy to set up and use, so awareness training is important for anyone who works at height.
At the end of the online abrasive wheels training, you will be given a 20-question, multiple-choice test. The required pass rate is 85%. You will be able to download and print a digital certificate on completion of the course. A course certificate is 12 months for this annual refresher.
The course will take approximately 25 minutes to complete, excluding the final exam.