Safeguarding in Health and Social Care

Safeguarding for Social and Healthcare - Overview

The main safeguarding issue is abuse. The NHS has released a shocking statistic that health and social care 
practitioners raised 394,655 concerns of abuse during 2017–18.

What does the course cover?

  • Legislation in place.
  • What Safeguarding is.
  • What help is available to people suffering abuse.

Training Outcomes

  • Knowing exactly what safeguarding is.
  • Understand what legislation is in place for Safeguarding
  • Learn the different types of signs and symptoms of abuse.
  • Know how to report lines of safeguarding concerns.


  • What is safeguarding?
  • What legislation and policies protect and safeguard service users?
  • What is abuse and what are the types of abuse?
  • What are the signs and symptoms of each type of abuse?

Test & Certification

At the end of the Safe Guarding Overview  Training Course, you will be given a 10-question, multiple-choice test. The required pass rate is 80%. You will be able to download and print a digital certificate on completion of the course. This certificate is valid for three years.


Main Course: Approximately 25 minutes (excluding time taken for the final exams). 

ETD provides 24/7 access to its training materials. You can complete your Safeguarding training from anywhere at any time, whether you’re working remotely on in the office. 

Create your ETD Training account.
